Monday, July 5, 2010

The Longest 4th of July of My Life!

I like the 4th of July :) It's such a festive, patriotic time. Currently, I am doing an online American Heritage class, and although it can be really complex most of the time, I have come to appreciate the history of America so much more. I could make a nice, lengthy list of all of the wonderful things I have learned, but I'll spare you the monologue ;)
Anyway, this really has been a unique 4th of July holiday for me. It started the moment I woke up Saturday morning, and it still won't end until I fall asleep tonight! I like it :) Unfortunately, my family didn't do any fireworks in the street this year (which is a first), but hey, life goes on! There's more than one way to spend the holiday :) Yesterday, we had a BBQ, and my mom made a special Angel Food Cake (partly in honor of her Mother whose birthday was July 1st, but also to celebrate this holiday). Here are some pictures from my day yesterday :)
Hooray for America, and the wonderful things that unfolded following the signing of the Declaration of Independence!

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