Wednesday, September 1, 2010

An Experiment...

In the past I have mentioned and even shared pictures from a blog that I love: The Clothes Horse. This is a very clever fashion blog where the owner produces pictures of herself and the style that she has. (Currently, she is visiting Europe so she has been sharing excellent pictures of the world around her.) Since following her blog, I have begun to consider my own style-- or even if I have style! Well, at the end of last week, I decided to just document a few days of what clothes I wore. Here, I am posting 5 days worth :) The first day I wore some things that I typically don't wear often-- the colorful shrug, and a pair of red converse. For some reason, I feel like converse don't look too good on me... Anyway, if you have any comments about anything, feel free to share! Maybe one day I will discover what my true fashion is :)
(Some of the pictures are fuzzy, and I apologize for that! One day, I want to own one of those really nice Cannon or Nikon cameras... maybe I'll get one for my upcoming birthday...)

I got my hair cut this day :)

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