Owl Figurine
Two Baby Owls
Two baby owls sat in a tree,
And blinked because they could not see.
"The sun is shining bright," they said,
"So let's go home and go to bed."
A little squirrel, frisking near
The owls, were very quick to hear.
Said, he, "It's fine for work or play;
I'm glad the sun shines bright today."
By: Ada Clark

The Owl
The owl is thought so wise to be,
as he sits on a limb of a tree.
At night from where he is said to see
The owl is thought so wise to be,
as he sits on a limb of a tree.
At night from where he is said to see
all the things that a wise owl should see.
It’s strange though, as he relates to me,
in the daylight hours he visits me,
with a hoot and a hoot repeatedly.
He sits in a tree near enough to me,
so I can clearly hear his hoot,
that is a message of good things
that is soon to be. His hooting sound,
I have found is a message of
a happy event when I hear him around.
I sometimes hear him before
I get out of bed, and his greeting to me,
I know not to dread.
I start my day with a smile on my face,
because he told with his hoot
the day would be filled with happy news
that is filled with grace.
Copyright © Judith Pleasant 3/21/2005
It’s strange though, as he relates to me,
in the daylight hours he visits me,
with a hoot and a hoot repeatedly.
He sits in a tree near enough to me,
so I can clearly hear his hoot,
that is a message of good things
that is soon to be. His hooting sound,
I have found is a message of
a happy event when I hear him around.
I sometimes hear him before
I get out of bed, and his greeting to me,
I know not to dread.
I start my day with a smile on my face,
because he told with his hoot
the day would be filled with happy news
that is filled with grace.
Copyright © Judith Pleasant 3/21/2005
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